27. January 2018 · Comments Off on It’s Not Under the Blood · Categories: Bible Teaching

It’s Not Under the Blood

Tony McCanless

On January 01, 2015, I was alone in a room sitting at my computer doing some writing. I had written, “If you’ve repented, it’s under the Blood.” I had paused for a moment, reading what I had written, and thinking about what I would say next. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice. To me, it sounded like a man standing behind me. I don’t know if you had been there if you would have heard it or not. I was alone in the room, but to me it sounded audible. This voice spoke clearly and distinctly. “If it’s under the Blood, then it’s still there.”

I knew immediately what He meant. I had taught on the differences between Old Testament blood sacrifices and the Blood of Jesus Christ. Old Testament blood sacrifices only covered sin, but the Blood of Jesus Christ completely removes, cleanses, and washes sin away. It’s not under the Blood. It’s gone!

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Colossians 2:14

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Hebrews 9:12

And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, Revelation 1:5

The word “atonement” is often misunderstood. We should realize that in the light of the New Testament, our atonement through Jesus Christ and His precious Blood is far different from that in the Old Testament. According to Leviticus 16:34, the sin offering of the blood of bullocks and goats was to be made yearly. However, in Hebrews 9:12, Jesus entered in once and obtained an eternal redemption for us. His precious Blood is not to be equated with that of the Old Testament. Old Testament blood sacrifices could not eternally remove sin. They merely covered sin so that God would not see it. This allowed God to have fellowship with His people. Metaphorically, the sin was cleansed, but it was only temporary. This was a type and shadow of that which was to come. We are not to equate the blood of goats and calves with the precious Blood of Christ. With His own Blood, He entered in once and for all, and obtained eternal redemption for us.

The word “atonement” is in the King James Version of the New Testament one time. However, in the original Greek text, it has a different meaning than its Hebrew usage in the Old Testament.

And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Romans 5:11

In the above passage, “atonement” in the Greek means “restoration” and “reconciliation.” Every other place that this Greek word is used in the King James Version, it is translated as “reconciling” or “reconciliation.” By the Blood of Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to God. The New Testament teaches that we are in Christ and He is in us. We are one in Him. We are in Him! In the Old Testament, when God looked at His people, He saw the blood. That blood covered their sin, and instead of sin, He saw the blood. However, for us, it’s different. When God the Father looks at us, He sees Christ. It might be said that we are covered by Jesus Christ, but it’s more accurate to say that we are in Christ. His Blood has washed away our sin, and in Him we are new creatures (2 Cor 5:17), born again (1 Peter 1:23), and reconciled to God by Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:18).

Now, when God looks at His people, He sees Jesus Christ. He is the Head and we are the Body of Christ. God the Father sees us in Him, not covered by Him as much as in Him. Our fellowship with God the Father is through Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit. Our life is to be lived to please our Lord Jesus Christ.

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Acts 17:28

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Colossians 1:10

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10

The world will stand before the Great White Throne for judgment, but we will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Yes, God sees us in Christ, but we are still to walk in this life in Him, and worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing. And praise God, when we see that we have missed it, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:2). After we have been born again, we are in Christ. As we walk in the Light, His Blood continually cleanses us even of those things we might be doing wrong without knowledge. We’re walking in all the Light that we have, as He is in the Light (1 John 1:7). His Blood is continually cleansing us as we walk, not unlike that day that Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. That was metaphorically speaking of our walk of fellowship in the Light of Christ. However, when we have knowledge of sin, we need to acknowledge it and appropriate His grace provided for us through His Blood and by faith in His Blood (Rom 3:25). If we continue in the knowledge of sin, we are no longer walking in the Light. While in this condition, if we say we have fellowship, but walk in darkness, “we lie” (1 John 1:6), and if we say we have no sin (while in this condition), “we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). But praise God, if we acknowledge our sin, that is, if we confess our sin, then He is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us. The sin is not under the Blood. The sin is not covered. The sin is cleansed! It’s gone! Thank God for His unspeakable Gift!

Order this and other books and tracts here: www.mccanlessministries.com/books.htm

23. August 2017 · Comments Off on Diotrephes Loves the Preeminence · Categories: Bible Teaching

In 3 John 1:9, John mentioned that he wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who “loveth to have the preeminence” would not receive him. Notice, Diotrephes is in the Church. He might say he loves the Lord. He might say he’s serving the Lord. But let’s look closely at Diotrephes. Let’s examine Diotrephes.

Some reading this may have a little bit of Diotrephes in them now. I can remember seeing some of the very traits in me, especially many years ago in my early days of ministry. Some can locate themselves and say, “Oh no! I see that in me and I want to do something about that!” That’s what I’ve done and I greatly recommend it. As I travel, and as people come to my church services today, on occasion I meet Diotrephes. Some have a lot of his traits, some only a few. Some can be corrected and helped by the teaching of the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. For others, who seem to resist any help – for those, we can pray.

It’s sad to see people, especially those who are not even spiritual at all, trying to take charge in the church without submission to others, especially when they should submit to those others who have spiritual maturity. You can locate them easily enough. Spiritual people want to listen to others who also know the Word and the move of the Spirit. Spiritual people want to follow the flow of the anointing, even as the Lord moves through others. Spiritual people desire to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit within, but also the Holy Spirit in others – and obey accordingly – and yield accordingly.

It’s a carnal person who wants the preeminence – to be seen. Jesus spoke in John 12:43 about those who love the praise of men. In Matthew 6:16, Jesus said that those who desire the praise of men – to be seen of men – have their reward. Praise from people is the only reward they’ll have. And oh yes! They’ll have some praise from people, and they’ll be delighted, because that’s what they want. God sees in secret and rewards openly. He judges the motive. Even when things seem to be good, if the motive is wrong – if the motive is to be seen of men and to have the praise of men, Jesus said they have their reward. The earthly rewards from God are lessened or nonexistent. More importantly, there will be fewer, or even no eternal rewards. Psalm 127:1 says that unless the Lord builds the house, it’s in vain. They get it built, but it’s only on the earth. Spiritually, it is in vain. In Heaven, it is judged as wood, hay, and stubble, and will be consumed by the fire of God in that day. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 that we are to be wise (spiritual) masterbuilders. Only silver, gold, and precious stones (our spiritual fruitfulness while on earth) will produce rewards in Heaven.

It’s a spiritual person who wants to follow and obey the Holy Spirit within, but also willing to follow and flow with the same Holy Spirit in other spiritual Christians. One of the biggest mistakes I see today among those who desire to be (or think they are) spiritual, is their failure to examine their so-called revelations, beliefs, and experiences. In 1 John 4:1, it says to try the spirits to see if they’re from God. Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to prove all things and hold fast to the good. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:29 that the prophets would speak, but the others would judge. As these things are tried, proven, and judged, it’s always to be in line with the Word of God.

People want to be fruitful, but it might be the flesh or a wrong spirit to say, “You’re not the only one anointed; I’m anointed, too!” Certainly, others are anointed, but there should be evidence with spiritual fruit. A spiritual person will have no problem in having his vision, dream, revelation, prophecy, song, or whatever, examined by other spiritual people. I often speak prophetically into people’s lives. However, I also often ask them if it fits, if it bears witness, if it’s correct and in line with what they have experienced or already know. In the church where I pastor, different ones will have songs, tongues and/or interpretations, or prophecies. Most people don’t know though, many times, these same people will come to me afterwards and ask if it fit or was in line with the move of the Spirit at the time. In 1 Corinthians 14:30, Paul said that if something is revealed to one who sits by, let the one currently conducting the service yield and give him leeway. That doesn’t mean he is to take over, but instead, it means to wait and to be given permission. The one conducting the service is to be sensitive to that, and then when appropriate by the same Spirit, give him place. Paul continued by saying, the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. God doesn’t force you to obey, but rather encourages you to make sure you are indeed, hearing His Spirit – and subjection is the key here. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.

It would often be carnal to say, “I don’t need your help.” A spiritual person would by contrast, invite help, even correction. It would be a carnal person who says, “All I need is my Bible and God.” It would be a carnal person who says, “I only listen to God.” Oh my! That person is also blind and deaf, spiritually speaking.

Diotrephes, the one who loves the preeminence, does not feel he needs to listen to others. He doesn’t go to church to be fed. He may go for the opportunity to preach, teach, sing, or do something, but not so much otherwise. He’s also not the one asking questions afterwards to further understand more of what was taught from the Word of God in that service. Some church services are filled with wrong things, and I’m uneasy when I’m there. I don’t want to go back and waste my time where I’m not fed. But even a cow eats the hay and leaves the sticks. Many church services have both, some things that are wrong, but also a lot of good that will feed you. There’s usually a combination. If there’s only a little that’s good, but most of it is bad, I may not want to go to that church. But many churches, though they have some things that are wrong, most of it is good and it will feed you spiritually and bless you. However, after a service in that church, though he might mention something that was good, Diotrephes will likely focus on correcting what the pastor said wrong. He’s usually not the one buying the books and CDs in the church bookstore, but he’s wanting to write a book or make CDs for everyone else. He is personally gratified if he’s the one doing the teaching, helping, correcting, and talking. And he may be doing some good, and he’ll probably say he’s doing it for God, but he also usually wants the recognition as the one who did it.

This carnal person often has difficulty listening to others. He will talk on top of others, and even if he is quiet, he’s often still not really listening. I get around these people and it frustrates me. I find myself at times interrupting their interruptions, and then I’m accused of doing what they’re doing. I think I know how Jesus felt when He ran the moneychangers out of the temple. I just want to shake them. Anyone watching me might think I’m upset, but it’s not based on emotion. Oh, it can stir the emotions, but it doesn’t start there. I just want to shake them. Wake up! A spiritual person can yield to the flesh and act in a carnal manner. However, the spiritual person will always have regret and the desire to apologize, forgive, and restore.

Some people have trouble admitting they’ve missed it. However, James 3:2 says that all of us do things that offend others. A spiritual person wants to catch that and make things right. A carnal person may rarely, if at all, apologize, for he doesn’t see that he’s done anything wrong. And so, he doesn’t need nor receive correction. These traits are certainly glaring red flags, and are non-existent in a spiritual person.

A spiritual person wants to be clothed with humility (1 Peter 5:5). Even when wanting others restored, a spiritual person has a spirit of meekness, considering himself, realizing he himself can be tempted (Galatians 6:1). James 1:26 speaks of a person who seems to be religious, but their own heart is deceived, and it’s all in vain. The spiritual person knows that the one who thinks he is standing should take heed, lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). He’s ready to humble himself and be contrite. According to Romans 12:3, he doesn’t think of himself more highly than he ought to. Romans 12:16 says to condescend to men of low estate and to not be wise in your own conceits – never overestimate yourself.

Not always, but sometimes, it’s a carnal person who speaks out in a service and says, “Can I obey God?” I sometimes want to say, “No, you can’t. Sit down and shut up.” It might be of God, but it might not be – and often, it’s the one conducting the service who should make that determination. The one in charge might be wrong and miss it, but other spiritual people in the service will know God’s order of submission and humility. You don’t take charge, you’re given the charge. Then, be bold and confident in the Holy Ghost and the anointing. However, always be aware of other spiritual people in your midst. Be sensitive to how God might move through others as well as yourself. Don’t lose control to those who are trying to take control, but be willing to yield to others who genuinely have the move of the Holy Ghost within them, as they are willing to wait until it is appropriate and in order.

How often have I seen someone who is invited to sing one song, and they sing two or three? Someone is asked to speak for a few minutes, and they just take over. In 1 Corinthians 14:28, Paul said if there is no interpreter, for that one not to persist, but to keep silence in the church. Notice here, Paul is saying that some who think they have something from God need to be told – he told them – to keep silence in the church. Do you think any of them got mad? Sure, they did! Because they’re carnal. But God wants us to grow – and this is one way we do! Let’s grow in spiritual things. Let’s learn to listen to the Holy Spirit within ourselves, but also listen and yield to the Holy Spirit in others. Let’s not be like Diotrephes. – Tony McCanless

05. March 2015 · Comments Off on What It Means to Be Born Again · Categories: Bible Teaching

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

In John 3:7, Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.” He was speaking to Nicodemus who did not understand what He meant. It seems that many today also do not understand this. I remember several years ago I was speaking to a lady about the Lord. She was a fine Catholic who practiced what she had been taught. Sadly, though, she had not been taught how to be born again. She was religious and knew about God, and she seemed to be interested in learning more about God, but I perceived in my spirit that she had never been born again. I also perceived that she did not know it. As I was speaking to her, I inwardly prayed and asked the Lord for wisdom in how to help her. People brought up in church and in a Christian home from a child may not actually remember the specific moment they were born again, but it is, indeed, a definite occurrence. Your natural birth was certainly a moment that could be recorded. Most people know what day, and some know even the minute, they were born naturally. The spiritual birth is just that real. So, I asked her if she could tell me when she was born again. She thought about it for a moment and then said, “I think it was when my husband was water baptized. It was such a moving experience.”

I knew I could help her, but I thought I should go slowly so she could see the difference herself. In their preaching in the 18th century, John and Charles Wesley called this “mental assent.” That is so prevalent yet today. People have a head knowledge of God or of Jesus Christ. Some have had an emotional experience that involved some aspect of religion, and they think that’s spiritual. Also, since people are spirit-beings, they can have spiritual experiences without their spirits actually being born again.

Many people believe in Jesus Christ exactly the same way they believe in some historical figure. They believe Jesus lived the same way they believe that George Washington lived. They acknowledge that Jesus is Lord in the same way they might acknowledge the President of the United States, the Queen of England, or any other prominent person. This affirmation of head knowledge, or mental assent, does not cause someone to be born again.

I began to tell this lady what the Bible says, and that the new birth must be based on receiving Jesus Christ as revealed by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 says that we’re born again by the Seed of God’s Word. According to 1 Corinthians 12:13, it’s also the Spirit of God that baptizes us into the Body of Christ. Water baptism is certainly an important outward witness. In some cultures, it’s a crucial testimony to the allegiance of Christ. It’s also an important way to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ as we recognize that we are buried with Him in baptism and raised up with Him in newness of life (Rom 6:4). However, the only baptism that saves us is the one baptism mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:13. Some ministers make a mistake and emphasize the water over the Blood. Only the precious Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse sin. Romans 3:25 says it clearly, that the remission of sin is by faith in the Blood. Romans 10:9-10 teaches us that when one confesses Jesus as Lord and believes in his heart that God raised Him from the dead, salvation occurs at that very moment.

I’m quite sure many are water baptized as merely a religious practice or ritual without any spiritual significance at all. It’s simply a dry sinner going down and a wet sinner coming up. Titus 3:5-6 says that it’s not our works of righteousness, but His mercy that saves us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which is shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ. This is received when mixed with a heart-felt desire for God and faith in His Word. Many people go through religious practices, but it’s not having been dedicated as a baby, confirmed, sprinkled, baptized, joining the local church, simply repeating someone’s prayer, signing the role, completing the classes, shaking the preacher’s hand, or any other outward demonstration that produces the spiritual birth from Heaven. It’s good to follow good practices, to join a good church, to be baptized, to repeat from your heart what someone else encourages you to believe and pray, but these things must be based upon your own heart trusting in God, His Word, and His Spirit. When you’re born again, you have a change of heart. Some are hoping they’re saved, but the Bible says that we know we’ve passed from death unto Life because of the presence of God’s love in our hearts. 1 John 5:13 says that you may know it.

When you call on the Name of the Lord, believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and confessing Him as the Lord of your life, you’re saved. You’re born again. That is when the Spirit of God baptizes you into the Body (1 Cor 12:13). And the Spirit of God cannot be fooled. He knows if you’re actually believing in your heart. Jesus said in Mark 16:16 that he that believes and is baptized is saved. The Spirit of God knows when you believe. Furthermore, there’s a change that takes place in your heart. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 says that you’re a new creature (person), that old things have passed away, and that all things are new and of God.

I told this lady some of my experience when I was born again. I also told her about the disciples and their experience. People should understand that the Church started on the Day of Resurrection, and not the Day of Pentecost. When Jesus was raised from the dead, that same day at evening, He appeared to the disciples. John 20:22 tells us that He breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” This was not the fullness of the Spirit or the baptism with the Holy Ghost, but this was their receiving the Spirit of Christ. The apostle Paul said in Romans 8:9 that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is none of His. Jesus breathed on the disciples and they received the Spirit of Christ. They were born again that moment. Luke 24:49 gives us more insight into that moment. As He breathed on them, He also said He was sending the “promise of the Father” upon them. This promise was that of a new spirit in them and His Spirit in them. They were born again that moment, that evening, the Day of Resurrection. I told her that they experienced a change in their hearts. The studious reader of the Bible can clearly see the change that came into them. Before Jesus appeared to them, according to John 20:19, they were locked up in a room “for fear” of the religious persecution of that hour. They had fear in their hearts. But after Jesus breathed on them and they received the new-birth experience, Luke 24:53 tells us that they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God! The temple is the very place where they were afraid to go just the day before. They changed!

I was at a minister’s gathering one time where the pastors were telling of the moves of God in their services. One would say how many had recently gotten saved. Another would say how many had recently gotten saved. Then a pastor said, “I’m having more trouble getting them lost than I am getting them saved!” I knew immediately what he meant. It’s hard to get people saved when they don’t know they’re lost. In Matthew 5:3, Jesus said that the “poor in spirit” would be blessed. That refers to people who know their need for God.

As I spoke to this lady, she began to see her spiritual condition. I spoke of the Bible, my experience, and the disciples’ experience. She said, “I don’t think I’ve ever had an experience like that.” She wanted more of God. She wanted a heart-changing experience with the Lord Jesus Christ, based upon the Word of God and faith in the cleansing Blood of Christ. I led her to the Lord. She was born again. She learned what it truly means to be born again.

Friend, have you been born again? According to Romans 10:9-10, confess with your mouth Jesus as the Lord of your life, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Ask God to forgive you, to cleanse you of all sin, and to make you a new person in Jesus Christ. Receive His Holy Spirit by faith in His Word in Jesus’ Name. Tell someone about this decision. Get into a good Christian church that teaches the Bible, putting emphasis on the New Testament. Have fellowship with other Believers. Amen.

Tony McCanless

To order this and other books and tracts: www.mccanlessministries.com/books.htm

28. February 2015 · Comments Off on Testimony – Progressive Healing of Tinnitus · Categories: Bible Teaching, Testimonies

A lady named Nancy sent a prayer request. Having her permission, I would like to share portions of two of her emails: the first one, and one three weeks later.

“I have debilitating tinnitus and I feel so stressed and helpless. I am a single parent with 2 daughters. I haven’t been able to sleep and have lost 40 pounds. I’m scared that I’ll lose my job as I am fatigued from lack of sleep. My left ear rings incessantly. My right has a clanging sound going clang, clang. Tinnitus has taken over my life. I barely exist now. Please pray for me. Thank you for your kindness.”

“Hallelujah! Absolutely…please share my testimony! I could not sleep 3 weeks ago; and now I can sleep throughout the night. Tony, I want you to know that you have been such an inspiration to me. Your words and scriptures of encouragement are powerful and I know that you are God’s vessel and messenger in delivering these messages to me. You have taught me to never give up as the Lord wants me well. Indeed, the seed is producing results and I feel it working. ‘By Jesus’ stripes I am healed!’” – Nancy

I receive many prayer requests for healing. I routinely make sure the one asking for healing is a Christian and living for God. That’s the most important thing. Then I want to help them receive what God has provided. When people are not healed instantly, I encourage them to continue to believe that healing is in them now working and producing results. I often refer them to the words of Jesus Christ in Mark 4:26. Faith as a seed produces results. However, like any garden, the results may depend on their diligence. The Bible says that it’s impossible to please God without faith, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6). I encourage them to stop praying the same way – to stop praying for healing, but to thank God they have healing. It’s often a faith issue. Faith is released by words and actions. Unbelief is also released by words and actions. If people would believe, do, and say the right things, that is, those things in line with God’s Word, they are in a better position to receive. But when people doubt, and begin to believe, do, and say things in line with what they see and feel, the seed of God’s Word in their hearts is hindered.

In her emails, I was delighted to hear that Nancy was doing what I suggested. She would read the healing Scriptures I suggested. She would spend time in prayer asking God to reveal any hindrance that might exist, and praising Him for healing. She would be bold in her stand with confidence that God wanted her well, and speaking against the symptoms in Jesus’ Name. She read other materials I have available on my website. I was excited to see her diligence. I prayed for her, that she would not cast away her confidence which has great recompense of reward (Heb 10:35). God is faithful! – Tony McCanless / www.mccanlessministries.com

01. January 2015 · Comments Off on Forget and Reach Forward · Categories: Bible Teaching

You’ve failed. So have I. And it can be difficult when you’re around people who treat you in ways based on their memory of your failures, even while disregarding your attempts or desires to make things right. It can be hard to overcome a past when you’re constantly remembering it, or being reminded of it.

Certainly there are things we should remember. We should not forget the blessings of the Lord. But there are some things we should, indeed, forget.

In Philippians 3, Paul said there was one thing he was going to do: forget and reach forward.

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:13-14

No one runs a race well while looking behind. If there’s one thing to do, it’s to stay focused on the goal of serving and pleasing our Lord Jesus Christ. You may encourage yourself with past victories, but don’t revel in them. You may regret past failures, but don’t dredge them up again. If you’ve never made some things right, then do that. Don’t simply forget things that have never been corrected. But if you have repented, it’s been washed away by the precious Blood of Christ. You’re still in a race. Don’t look behind. Keep your eyes on the goal. Reach forward, and let God use you for His glory.

01. April 2014 · Comments Off on Judy’s Deaf Ears Are Opened by Jesus Christ · Categories: Bible Teaching, Testimonies

My name is Rev. Judy Smith. I have been partially deaf in my right ear and totally deaf in my left ear most of my life. I have been reading lips, as I have been living in a nearly silent world, especially the last few years.

I remember being a young girl, and my Christian parents (my dad was a minister) taking me to doctors. I had infections in my ears, and pain so bad that it radiated from my ears to the back of my head. I believe I had a punctured eardrum in my left ear. At the age of sixteen, I had two surgeries on my ears. They removed the bones in my ears and placed plastic ones in their place. The doctors did the surgeries six months apart. The surgeries eliminated the pain as I remember, though my hearing improved little. In my junior year in high school, I had a tutor at home, as I could not hear the teachers. I graduated from high school and went to a community college where I got a degree in Nursing.

I prayed for normal hearing over the years and kept on believing for my miracle.

Saturday, March 29, 2014, Brother Tony and Sister Susan McCanless were holding a revival at The Gathering Place Church in Walnut Cove, NC. Brother Tony asked for people who had hearing problems to come forward, as he would pray for each individual. I knew, I knew, I knew that God was going to heal my deaf ears as Brother Tony prayed for me! There was not a doubt in my mind or in my heart that I was going to receive a miracle in my ears. The entire congregation was believing and praying. God touched me and healed me!

Thank God! I can hear in both ears, the first time in approximately 60 years! (I’m 67.) This morning, Sunday (the day of this writing), I played the piano at church, and could actually hear the music! I play by sheet music, and had used that gift to glorify God, even though I could not actually hear that well what I was playing.

I thank God! I can’t thank Him enough. If you get a chance to attend a meeting being held by Brother Tony and Sister McCanless, I encourage you to go! You will be blessed!! He’s a dynamic teacher and preacher of the Word of God, and Sister Susan has an outstanding singing voice! She has a God-given gift, no doubt.

Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony with you. Ephesians 1:16: “Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.”

Rev. Judy Smith

Tony & Judy Smith_small
Tony McCanless with Judy Smith

From the minister’s perspective:

The Lord revealed to me some of what was going to happen in the service the night Judy received her healing. The previous night, I had preached on special anointings. I had asked who had ear problems, and of the hands that were raised, I seemed to be impressed to ask a man to come forward. When I asked him to remove his hearing aids, he refused. I had already sensed in my spirit that he might not expect to be healed. His action certainly seemed to confirm that. Unbelief affected the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. In Mark 8:23, He led a blind man out of the town before He ministered to him, possibly to get away from unbelief. In Mark 7:32, a deaf man, who also had an impediment in his speech, was brought to Jesus. Verse 33 says He took him aside from the multitude, probably to get away from unbelief. Another clear indication that unbelief affected Jesus was when He raised Jairus’ little girl from the dead. In Mark 5:40, they laughed when Jesus said she wasn’t dead, but only asleep. In response to that unbelief, He ran them out of the house. The only ones He took in the room with Him, were the parents, and Peter, James, and John. If unbelief affected the healing and miracle ministry of Jesus Himself, it will affect us when doing His works in His Name.

I asked the others who had ear problems if they could come the next night. Judy said she read lips, so I faced her to talk to her. I encouraged her to say to herself several times that night and the next day, that she would be healed when I prayed for her the next night. I asked her if she understood me, and if she would do that. She said she would.

The next day, I was in prayer much for the service. I also was very concerned for the man that would not take out his hearing aids. I had expected him to be healed and not need them anymore. His response did not seem to agree with that. I was concerned for him. I wanted to help him if I could. I even considered finding a way to contact him to see if I could talk to him privately. I sensed by the Spirit that I should not do that. The Lord spoke to my heart and reminded me that in Mark 6:5-6, He marveled at their unbelief, and could do no mighty work there. I, too, marveled that this man did not seem to believe. Jesus said to me that I would not be able to get everyone to believe. He said the man would not be back the next night.

I asked the Lord how I was to minister to Judy, totally deaf in one ear, and nearly deaf in the other ear. I was feeling inadequate. I’m not the healer. I can’t heal anyone’s ears. I knew I totally needed the Lord’s anointing, and people with me who also would believe.

That’s when the Lord showed me what was going to happen. He told me not to preach or teach first, as I usually would. He said that during the music, and He would show me when during the service, to keep the music going, but playing softly. And at that time, I was to go to Judy and minister to her in Jesus’ Name, with the anointing of the Holy Ghost. He said her ears would open and she could enjoy the rest of the service. That’s when I knew what was going to happen. The Lord said she was going to enjoy the rest of the service. Praise God forever!

That night while singing “I Believe,” it happened just that way. God opened her ears! And the next day, Sunday morning, her face just beamed and shone as she played the piano and could hear it! She played by sheet music, and said she had relied partially on the vibrations. But now she could actually hear her music as she played for the glory of God.

I am so glad to have been in that revival with Bishop Harry & Janice Wood, in Walnut Cove, NC. I am so glad to have met Rev. Judy Smith. I am so glad our precious Lord, and living Saviour, is still our Healer. I praise God with my sister, Judy, for the great things the Lord has done.

Tony McCanless

To order this and other books & tracts: www.mccanlessministries.com/books.htm

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14. February 2014 · Comments Off on Love – Four Greek Words · Categories: Bible Teaching

There are at least seven Greek words that are translated as “love.” In one form or another, two of these are in the original Greek texts of the New Testament: agape and phileo. Other variations, root forms, and/or similar Greek words are: agapao, philia, philos, philadelphia, philandros, & philoteknos.

Here are three others: ludus, or playful love, philautia, or self-love, and pragma, or long-lasting love (as a commitment instead of a feeling).

The four Greek words translated as “love” that might be the most important are:

Agape – love without qualification. This is love that is based on the character of the one doing the loving, and not on the character and/or actions of the one being loved. This is how God loves us. This is the love shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. This is the love we, as Christians, are to have for one another. This is based on a decision to love, rather than any feeling or emotion. We would have fewer divorces, possibly no divorces, if the two would walk in this love.

Phileo (philia) – the love of a friend (brotherly love). This love, contrasted with agape, is based on the character of the one being loved. Someone treats you right, you love them. Someone has qualities you admire, you love them. You enjoy the company of someone, you love them. Too many marriages are solely based on this kind of love. Without agape, when your spouse no longer treats you the way you love, divorce can occur. But with agape, the love that is based on a decision, you’ll continue to love the other person regardless of how you’re treated. And the love in you, if you’ll act on that love, will respond with kindness even when mistreated.

Storge – the show of affection. This love can be demonstrated as a hug or handshake, or when you’d pet your dog or cat. I might mention, if you mix storge with phileo, without agape, you might get into trouble and end up in eros.

Eros – sexual love. This love is physical, emotional, sensual, and sexual. Again, too many marriages are based on this love. And so, when it ends, or when it cools down, their marriage isn’t based on much else, and they have trouble.

All four of these should be in a Christian marriage. Three of these might be in other relationships. Agape is the most important. Let us love one another. – Tony McCanless

08. February 2014 · Comments Off on Faith Can Be Exercised · Categories: Bible Teaching

Did you know you can exercise your faith? There are similarities between muscle in the natural body, and faith in our spirits. Rom 12:3 tells us God has dealt to everyone the same measure of faith, but like muscle, it can be developed. And like natural parents, He expects more of His children as they grow–or as they should.

2 Th 1:3 indicates that faith can grow. In Luke 17:5, the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” Jesus responded by talking about a seed, which increases in fruitfulness after being planted–with more seeds, too. Planting seeds of faith causes increase. Using faith causes increase. The right diet is also important. Faith comes by the Word (Rom 10:17). Avoiding hindrances is also important. Faith works by love (Gal 5:6). Thorns choke out good seed (Mark 4:19).

Jesus is the developer of your faith (Heb 12:2). The Spirit is your teacher and will bear witness with Bible teaching you hear. God is intimately involved with you. He knows where you are personally and individually. Stay in fellowship with Him. Walk in the Light as He is in the Light (1 Jn 1:7). Dwell in the secret place and abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91:1). He will not allow any trial to come to you that you’re not able to handle, but will show a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13). He wants you to grow in faith. He wants you to exercise your faith.

Rom 12:2 mentions that we are not to be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds with the Word of God. The world will try to influence you into its way of believing and acting. There are many applications to this, but I’m in a healing ministry, and my thoughts tend to go that direction. The world says that it’s flu season, stock up on the medicine. The world says you have a back pain, go to the doctor. And this can be good advice, but Christians should always consider the Word first. I’ve not had even an aspirin since Jan. 1980. I go to the Word first. I read healing Scriptures. I command it to go in Jesus’ Name. The healing is sometimes instant, sometimes progressive. Not everyone is at the same level. And no one does everything perfectly. There should be no condemnation or guilt once we go to the Lord in repentance and receive His mercy. Thank God for His mercy! But I’ve noticed that it seems to be more difficult to get some mature Christians healed of serious conditions, if they have not had a lifestyle of considering God first in small areas. Learn to trust God for the healing of a cold or headache. When it’s not serious, this can be a good way to grow and exercise. David was not ready for Goliath until he faced the lion and the bear. Use your faith in small areas. You’ll be better prepared if something serious comes. Grow in faith. Grow in God. – Tony McCanless

03. January 2014 · Comments Off on I Can’t Be Saved · Categories: Bible Teaching
“I can’t be saved.” That’s what the young lady told me. I was preaching in Kansas, and after my sermon, she came to the front for prayer. With tears streaming down her face, she explained that she had joined a satanic group and had signed her name in her own blood renouncing Jesus Christ. She was told she had committed the unpardonable sin and could not be saved. I told her the devil had lied to h…er. The unpardonable sin is the rejection of Christ without repentance. Gen 6:3 says that God will not always strive with man. The Holy Spirit deals with hearts to come to Christ. Without that wooing of the Holy Ghost, a person wouldn’t even want to be saved. I asked her, “Do you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?” She said she did. I said, “God is the One who put that “want-to” in your heart. The very fact that you want to be saved means that you can be.” Jesus said in John 6:37, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” I said, “If He doesn’t cast you out, that means He takes you in.” I gave her more Scriptures. She believed and confessed Jesus Christ as Lord of her life. Her face lit up and those tears turned to ones of joy.
Blaspheming the Holy Ghost is continually rejecting His wooing of coming to Christ, continually refusing to yield to Him. The Holy Spirit leads people to the Lord, through the hearing of the Gospel, and the conviction of the heart. To constantly and continually reject that is to blaspheme that precious work of God’s Spirit. Many people curse God in their ignorance, and say and do many things. But God will forgive those who come to Him. That’s not the sin unto death; that’s not the unpardonable sin. Only rejecting Christ without repentance sends one to eternal hell.
Furthermore, only the Blood of Christ can wash away sin. Christians who have sinned can repent and be forgiven in an instant. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us. The early Hebrew Christians were warned to not go back to their old practice of animal sacrifices. Hebrews 10:26 explained to them (and to us) that even with willful sin, there is no more sacrifice, no animal sacrifice, no other blood. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ washes away sin. – Tony McCanless
27. October 2013 · Comments Off on What Is an Apostle? · Categories: Bible Teaching

I’m planning for one of my next books to be on the five-fold ministry, but I have a few words for you now. I met a man today who fits the Bible definition of an apostle. When I asked him what I should call him, Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, he said, “Just call me Daniel.” Don’t you like that? What is the Bible definition of an apostle? It would seem that many have misconceptions. He’s not just a person who builds churches or is over a network of ministries. So many today are caught up in titles and having respect. And we should give honor to whom honor is due. After you read the rest of this, you might be able to determine that some people today calling themselves apostles really aren’t at all. But to give them honor, don’t go out and tell them they’re not apostles, or even stop using the title. I’m not suggesting that. However, we should be taught. Actually, in Scripture, I see four categories or classifications of apostles. And a loose definition may be anyone especially called or sent, even as a voice with a specific message, such as Apostle of Faith. But let me give you the short version of this teaching with just a few Scriptures.

II Cor. 12:12: “Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.” So, an apostle will do signs, wonders, and mighty deeds. But wait, that alone doesn’t make an apostle. There’s more.

I Cor. 12:28: “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles …” This is God’s plan for sending the Gospel to the world … to people who have never really heard the message of Jesus. The first ministry needed is the apostle’s … for signs, wonders, and mighty deeds to demonstrate the resurrection of Christ. Then after they receive Jesus, they need the prophet’s ministry (and it could be the same person), for ministry and teaching on spiritual matters. Then next is general Bible teaching, … and so on.

The New Testament apostle in the Church today has the anointing, the spiritual equipment, and the desire to go first into an area where the Gospel has never been preached. He’ll have signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, plow new ground, lay a new foundation, and build churches and ministries where the Name of Jesus has never even been spoken. Look at Romans 15:19-20: “Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation:” The word “apostle” is not in these two verses, but Paul is speaking with the heart of an apostle. He had the heart-felt call to go where Christ was not named. The apostle is sent first … then the prophet … then the teacher … and actually, this could all be the same person, but with different anointings in operation.

One more Scripture before I close: I Cor. 9:1-2: “Am I not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not ye my work in the Lord? If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.” An apostle isn’t one to everybody. He is an apostle over the churches he has started … and again, those were churches that were started in areas where Jesus was not widely known. You understand, a pastor can start a church … and again and again. That doesn’t make him an apostle. An evangelist can have miracles and certainly wants to preach Christ to the unbeliever, but he’s not an apostle equipped to build a church and provide further spiritual foundation. Philip, in Acts 8:5, had apostles from Jerusalem come and help him in Samaria. Philip wasn’t equipped to do all that was needed to continue the work there.

So, an apostle isn’t an apostle to everyone. He isn’t just someone over churches or a network of ministries. He is, however, equipped to go into an area where Christ has never been named, and preach and/or teach with signs, wonders, and mighty deeds. And he is able to supply or oversee that which is necessary for the spiritual growth of this new church.

The man I met today fits that definition. He spoke often of his burning desire to take Christ to people who had never heard … he has been instrumental in building many churches … he has had many signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, and raised two people from the dead. And when I asked him what I should call him, he said, “Daniel.”

Tony McCanless